Sr Examen

Otras calculadoras

Ecuación diferencial y''''=x*(1-x)-1/2*y''+y'

El profesor se sorprenderá mucho al ver tu solución correcta😉


Para el problema de Cauchy:

y() =
y'() =
y''() =
y'''() =
y''''() =


interior superior


Ha introducido [src]
  4             2                             
 d            dx                      d       
---(y(x)) = - --------- + x*(1 - x) + --(y(x))
  4               2                   dx      
$$\frac{d^{4}}{d x^{4}} y{\left(x \right)} = x \left(1 - x\right) + \frac{d}{d x} y{\left(x \right)} - \frac{\frac{d^{2}}{d x^{2}} y{\left(x \right)}}{2}$$
y'''' = x*(1 - x) + y' - y''/2
Respuesta [src]
                             /   ______________         3 ___      \               /     ______________         3 ___      \                                                                                                                                               /     ______________         3 ___      \
                       3 ___ |3 /        _____          \/ 6       |         3 ___ |  3 /        _____          \/ 6       |                                                                                                                                         3 ___ |  3 /        _____          \/ 6       |
                     x*\/ 6 *|\/  18 + \/ 330   - -----------------|       x*\/ 6 *|- \/  18 + \/ 330   + -----------------|    /              /        ______________          3 ___     \\         /              /        ______________          3 ___     \\  x*\/ 6 *|- \/  18 + \/ 330   + -----------------|
                             |                       ______________|               |                         ______________|    |  3 ___ 6 ___ | 2/3 3 /        _____         3*\/ 2      ||         |  3 ___ 6 ___ | 2/3 3 /        _____         3*\/ 2      ||          |                         ______________|
                             |                    3 /        _____ |               |                      3 /        _____ |    |x*\/ 2 *\/ 3 *|3   *\/  18 + \/ 330   + -----------------||         |x*\/ 2 *\/ 3 *|3   *\/  18 + \/ 330   + -----------------||          |                      3 /        _____ |
                             \                    \/  18 + \/ 330  /               \                      \/  18 + \/ 330  /    |              |                            ______________||         |              |                            ______________||          \                      \/  18 + \/ 330  /
             3       -----------------------------------------------       -------------------------------------------------    |              |                         3 /        _____ ||         |              |                         3 /        _____ ||  -------------------------------------------------
            x                               6                                                      12                           |              \                         \/  18 + \/ 330  /|         |              \                         \/  18 + \/ 330  /|                          12                       
y(x) = C1 + -- + C4*e                                                + C2*e                                                 *sin|----------------------------------------------------------| + C3*cos|----------------------------------------------------------|*e                                                 
            3                                                                                                                   \                            12                            /         \                            12                            /                                                   
$$y{\left(x \right)} = C_{1} + C_{2} e^{\frac{\sqrt[3]{6} x \left(- \sqrt[3]{18 + \sqrt{330}} + \frac{\sqrt[3]{6}}{\sqrt[3]{18 + \sqrt{330}}}\right)}{12}} \sin{\left(\frac{\sqrt[3]{2} \sqrt[6]{3} x \left(\frac{3 \sqrt[3]{2}}{\sqrt[3]{18 + \sqrt{330}}} + 3^{\frac{2}{3}} \sqrt[3]{18 + \sqrt{330}}\right)}{12} \right)} + C_{3} e^{\frac{\sqrt[3]{6} x \left(- \sqrt[3]{18 + \sqrt{330}} + \frac{\sqrt[3]{6}}{\sqrt[3]{18 + \sqrt{330}}}\right)}{12}} \cos{\left(\frac{\sqrt[3]{2} \sqrt[6]{3} x \left(\frac{3 \sqrt[3]{2}}{\sqrt[3]{18 + \sqrt{330}}} + 3^{\frac{2}{3}} \sqrt[3]{18 + \sqrt{330}}\right)}{12} \right)} + C_{4} e^{\frac{\sqrt[3]{6} x \left(- \frac{\sqrt[3]{6}}{\sqrt[3]{18 + \sqrt{330}}} + \sqrt[3]{18 + \sqrt{330}}\right)}{6}} + \frac{x^{3}}{3}$$
nth linear constant coeff undetermined coefficients
nth linear constant coeff variation of parameters
nth order reducible
nth linear constant coeff variation of parameters Integral